National Equality March 09!

“Obama, I know you are listening” –Lady Gaga

On Sunday thousands of gay rights activist marched to D.C to pressure president Obama to put an en to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, and equality to marriage. Obama has said that he is working on repealing the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, and that he is urging Congress to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act(DOMA) and pass the Domestic Partners Benefit and Obligations Act. Obama also said that this Act will turn into a bill and he will sign it into a law.

During the march in Washington D.C., there were people who gave powerful speeches such as, Judy Shepard and Christine Quinn.
Judy Shepard, mother of Mathew Shepard, who was murdered because of hate crime; for being gay was part of the march and said the following, "No one has the right to tell my son whether or not he can work anywhere. Whether or not he can live wherever he wants to live and whether or not he can be with the one person he loves -- no one has that right…We are all Americans. We are all equal Americans, gay, straight or whatever." Many people feel this way, such as Lady Gaga who said that America is not free or equal if gays are not able to marry the person who they want.

Christine Quinn is the first openly speaker of the New York City Counsel. In the march she said, "Look me in the eye and tell me I am less of a person than you are," she said. "Look me in the eye and tell me my family is worth less than yours. Look me in the eye and tell me I am not an American. Well you know what, not one person in any of those places can do that, not one of them."

I really hope that Obama allows the LGBT community to get married. Both Judy and Christine made really good points during their speeches. They are right by the fact that people should stop LGBT from being with the person who they love, or making them unequal because of their sex orientation.

1 comment:

  1. Gays and lesbians shouldn't be denied the same rights that others have because of their sexual orientation. They shouldn't even have to fight for rights that should have already been granted to them long ago they are humans just like everyone else. Maybe someday people will finally realize that everyone deserves the same rights.
